Tagged at Canadensis (TAC for short) is an idea taken from the many school systems that promote Random Acts of Kindness from its students. With that sentiment in mind, campers are encouraged to go above and beyond this summer to help out their fellow bunkmates and staff without being asked.

During our weekly staff meetings, counselors nominate campers for TACs to those that did something “extra special” without being asked to do so. Some examples included a camper that consoled another camper that was homesick, a camper that helped a bunkmate with their morning clean-up job, a camper that went out of their way to make sure another camper was included in an activity or a camper that helped pick up trash around camp just to name a few.

After nominations are submitted, TACs are given out at one of our morning line-ups on a weekly basis.  Campers are acknowledged in front of the entire camp and receive a dog tag emblazoned with the Camp Canadensis Indian Head logo (each week was a different color tag).  Each week’s nominees are listed on a large poster that is displayed in our Pavilion for all to see.

Over the course of the seven week summer, we are happy and proud to say that hundreds of TACs are handed out to our campers for so many different reasons!

It goes without saying that we are so thrilled to see so much helpful and positive energy being displayed by our campers on a daily basis.

Camp Values

Camp provides kids a world of good.  At Camp Canadensis, we view this with our list of core values that we establish through a number of different activities through the summer from Snack Chats to Friendship Activities to Team Building Opportunities.  Our key values are…

Honesty     Inclusion     Fun     Personal Growth     Sharing

Respect      Independence     Dependability     Helpfulness     Tradition                    

HONESTY: What is said and heard at camp has integrity.

INCLUSION: We become one family.

FUN: Every day at camp will have some wow.

PERSONAL GROWTH: Time at camp changes us in positive ways.

SHARING: Friendships grow through giving and by doing things together.

RESPECT: We treat others with consideration and take pride in our camp.

INDEPENDENCE: We believe in ourselves and do the right thing on our own.

DEPENDABILITY: We are consistent and keep our commitments so others can count on us.

HELPFULNESS: We act with kindness and seek opportunities to assist others.

TRADITION: We are part of a meaningful legacy.

Listen to our Official Alma Mater