Hello Canadensis!
AHHHH! Apparently, I have a computer virus! It really stinks. So, my regular computer is down for the time being, but that won’t stop me from blogging to Canadensis Cyberspace! I am using my handy dandy trusty laptop for this blog. First, what is it about the world that we have people who enjoy creating these computer viruses. I mean, do they have anything better to do?!?! Maybe I can get Groundhog to get them back. Only kidding! It is frustrating, though.
Speaking of Groundhog, I spoke to him last night and you will all be happy to hear that he is putting the final touches on this year’s Video Yearbook. The DVD will feature the Video Yearbook and Slideshow as always along with some extra very special features such as the entire Color War sing, two CIT Videos, a Canadensis Today Show Look Back at Summer ’09 and Picture Day. The DVD, when put into your computer, will also reveal a 100-page Yearbook. Pretty cool stuff!
Speaking of CITs, I got greeted at my seats at Sunday’s Giants games by two of them from Summer ’09. Amidst all of the action, I hear two people scream, “Krug!” I turn around and see Josh Schultz and Ethan Wolfe. During a stoppage in the game, we talked for a few minutes. When the game came back on, we were met with a bunch of “sit down” cheers from the fans, so our gathering was broken up a little too quickly. Anyway, it was great to see both of them and they are doing really well. Thanks Josh and Ethan for stopping by! As for the game, itself, not good once again for my Giants, losing in the game’s final seconds 21-20. That is four losses in a row. Not good.
As for more CIT stuff, 2010 CIT Morgan Hirschorn e-mailed me some great pictures from Sydney Gocials Sweet 16 in which many of next summer’s CITs were in attendance. Morgan said it was a great time seeing everyone and catching up on everything since the summer ended. Here are the pics…

2010 CITS at Sydney's Sweet 16!

Jamie, Ally, Birthday Girl Sydney, Emma and Morgan.
Tomorrow, Eric and I will be venturing into New York City for an EPIC Conference. EPIC stands for Emerging Professionals in Camping. These events are always good to meet other camps and hear how other camps are doing certain things. At tomorrow’s conference, there are also a few good guest speakers, including the CEO of Six Flags. It should be interesting.
Now, onto some more of my favorite pics from last summer…

Girls Bunk 20 in 2009 Sweatshirts!

E-Beth Caught in the Ladder!

Ashley's Got a Blue Tongue!

Counselor Pete with Brett, Jake and Mosk.

I see Mike. And why so serious Tyler?
Well, that is all for today. No blog tomorrow as I will be out of the office all day, but I will be back on Thursday. Hopefully, I will have my computer back to me, too.
Until then…Have a great day…Brian