Hello Canadensis…
I hope this blog finds everyone in Canadensis Cyberspace doing well. Once again, I have found myself neglecting my blogging responsibilities, but all I can say is that things have started to really pick up for Summer 2010. As it stands, it is all camp all the time. In fact, last night I had camp on my mind that I couldn’t fall asleep until 2:30 am! Hey, I’m not complaining. I have the best job in the world! I get to think about camp 24/7. And, I get to talk about it all the time, especially to all the campers I meet. Here’s who I saw since my last blog…
Last week, I went to Livingston, NJ and met up with Stella Scheier, who is in the 2nd grade and will be in our Junior Division this summer. Stella is actually a second generation Canadensis camper as mom, Mindy, is an alumni of camp. Stella told me all about her travel soccer team, the Lady Leopards, and that she is also involved in gymnastics at the advanced beginner level. She also told me that she is participating in the Locks for Love program and is growing her hair to eventually be cut and donated in June. This summer, she can’t wait to be at camp with her cousins Elizabeth and Olivia Menkowitz as well as trying the climbing wall and zipline, gymnastics and, of course, Color War. Here is a picture…

Me with Stella Scheier and younger brothers, and future Canadensis campers, Oliver and Beau.
The next day, Assistant Director Pam and I made our way to Bala Cynwyd, PA to visit 3rd grader and 2010 Junior Emma Velinsky. Emma is busy with a wide variety of activities. She is on a swim team in which her main events are the freestyle and backstroke races. She is in the MLGBA basketball league. The name of her team is the Flames. Emma is also beginning to rehearse for her dance performance in May in which she does jazz and hip-hop dance. On top of that, she also plays tennis and goes bike riding. This summer, she is excited for all of the activities at the lake, including the Banana Boat. Emma also mentioned that she is looking forward to the drive-in movies. Here is a shot…

Me and Pam with Emma Velinsky.
At the beginning of this week, I was in Huntingdon Valley, PA to see 2010 Upper Inter Rachel Cebula and her younger brother and future Canadensis Camper Adam Cebula. Rachel, now in 5th grade and returning for her second summer, let me know that she is playing in the Huntingdon Valley Athletic Association Basketball League as part of the Silver Stars team. She is also going to gymnastics classes with fellow bunkmate Taylor Schwartz. In the spring, she is looking forward to playing soccer. Rachel also filled me in on the number of bunk get togethers she has had with the Girls of Bunk 5 since the summer ended. She is already counting down the days until she can be back in the 18325 with all of her best friends. As for brother Adam, he is also playing basketball in the HVAA on the Sixers. In the fall, his team for soccer took first place, too! Here is a photo…

Me with Rachel and Adam Cebula.
On Tuesday, Camp Mom Stephanie Vorcheimer and I went out to Long Island to visit a few of our camp families. When I picked up Stephanie at her house, I saw 2010 Freshman Boy Max Vorcheimer and Lower Inter Girl Sami Vorcheimer. Both are doing really well. Max is busy playing basketball in the Wayne PAL League while Sami is taking dance classes. Max wanted me to give him a shout on my blog. So, here it is, Max…a shout out to you!
First, Stephanie and I hit Melville, NY to see 3rd grader and 2010 Junior Girl Marlee Krasin. First off, Marlee loves art! She is taking a painting class. She showed us some of her work which completely blew us away! It was so good! See below for proof. Marlee also takes hip hop, jazz and tap dance classes. She also likes to play tennis and go swimming. This summer, she is really looking forward to the all of the rooms in the Art Center, including Glass Fusion, the Art Shack and Ceramics. Here is a pic…

Me and Steph with Marlee. The painting in the picture was done by Marlee. How awesome is that?!?!
Next, it was onto Syosset, NY to see Paige Kahn. Paige, currently in third grade and going to be a Junior Girl this summer, has been waiting to go to Canadensis for quite some time as her older brother Max used to be a camper here. Paige was recently case as Grace in the show “Annie,” which she will be performing in her neighborhood’s theater program. The show will be in June. On most weekends, she is off to the stables for horseback riding, in which she has already learned how to trot and canter through obstacle courses with her horse Spencer. She also goes snow skiing a lot and is always playing with her dogs Bucky and Blazzy. This summer, she can’t wait to do the climbing wall, ropes course and zipline, being in the camp show and waterskiing. Here is a picture…

Me and Steph with Paige (and her dog Blazzy).
Last night, I was in Plymouth Meeting, PA to see 2010 Junior Boy and current third grader David Brucker. As David told me about all the activities he is involved in, it was safe to say that he is a boy with a wide range of interests. He plays the piano, likes to cook, do arts and crafts and build things. At the same time, he plays tennis and is currently in a basketball league and his team, the Trailblazers, are undefeated. This summer, he says he will be participating in the Rock Band program as well as doing a lot of the activities at the Art Center. He also can’t wait to try waterskiing and the Summit. Here is a photo…

Me with David Brucker and sister, and future Canadensis camper, Marissa Brucker.
Finally, I was in Lafayette Hill, PA and saw 2010 Upper Inter Boy Josh Brownstein. Josh, who is back for his third summer at camp, has been incredibly busy playing basketball in two different leagues, one a travel team and the other a town rec league. In fact, Josh says this is the year that he is finally going to take me down in a game of H.O.R.S.E. To be quite honest, I think it is going to be his year, too. In the spring, Josh will be playing two sports, participating in both baseball and lacrosse leagues. Here is a photo…

Me with 2010 Upper Inter Josh Brownstein.
So, as you can see, things have been busy. On top of all my visits, which as I always say, is the best part of my job in the fall, winter and spring, I have been able to talk with a number of camp counselors and staff over the past week. I spoke with Mike Lindquist, Alyssa Thibodeau, Marshall Weinstein, Will Armon and Chris Parno. Last week, Pete Tarnoff stopped by our winter office to say hello. It has been great! And, as you can see, it has been all camp, all the time!
Until my next blog, which I’m hoping will be tomorrow. Have a great day.