I got another great project tutorial from our Fabric Director Cortney…here’s what it said:
I am in my final week of class over here in SF! But I had a little bit of time last night and decided to try out a ribbon belt idea we saw at Britex. I had seen another tutorial online on how to make a bow out of ribbon so I decided to combine the two projects into one! I am pretty happy with the results, however, if I did it again I would change a couple of things, I’ll mention what they would be below.
Here’s just a picture of the ribbon before I started

I measured the width of my waist, and cut the ribbon to just a little bit more than that measurement. Then I folded it over and sewed the edges to prevent from fraying. I sewed them, but this could be done with a hot glue gun.
I sewed on some snaps as the fastening tool to keep the ends together. This might be tough for the younger kids so you could easily substitute snaps for velcro. If I were to do it with snaps again I would used much bigger ones for a little bit a stronger hold.

Then I made a bow out of ribbon, basically all you do is cut strips of ribbon, fold it over and glue the ends together–very easy. I hot glued it to one end of the belt.
Here is the final result! I think that if I did it again, it would look better to use a contrasting ribbon for the bow to make it stand out a little bit more, maybe a solid blue or something like that, but all in all it was a fun project!
Is everyone ready to make belts this summer??