Hello Camp Canadensis!
Here is my Camp List, A through Z!
A is for Apples at Fruit on the Fly! Of course, other days will bring peaches, plums, pears and even ice pops on the really hot days!
B is for Basketball on the Office Courts! Who’s playing in the NBA, NCAA, WNBA and IBL Leagues this year? I have to start practicing my jump shot.
C is Color War! No one does Color War quite like Camp Canadensis! When will it break?
D is for Dancing! If you don’t know, I am always dancing at camp! J.Cal once even made a video. Ha Ha!
E is for Electives! Elective choices for Summer 2012 will be sent out soon! What will you choose?
F is for Friday! Friday! Gonna get down on Friday! Can’t wait to hear that tune again at morning line-up.
G is for GaGa! I’m sure the Gaga pits will be packed during Free Plays at camp. Maybe I’ll even win my first game ever this summer?!
H is for Honor Bunks! Will your bunk be collecting all the great prizes for being the cleanest bunk?
I is for i-Can Nights. This is returning for its third summer for our Senior Campers.
J is for June 23! The day when the buses will roll into camp!
K is for Kind. One of the many words I use to describe the campers at Canadensis. To prove it, we have out 366 TAC (Tagged at Canadensis) Awards last summer for Random Acts of Kindness.
L is for Lake Parties on Lake Lenape, one of the best private lakes in camping!
M is for MTV Night! Can’t wait to see all of the creative routines you come up with this summer!
N is for Never Ending Fun! The summer calendar promises non-stop activities all summer long!
O is for Outdoor Adventure! The camping trips were one of the biggest hits last summer!
P is for the new Pool that is being built for Summer 2012 (with two waterslides)!
Q is for the Quality Staff coming to camp this summer!
R is for Reveille! I bet you can’t wait to be woken up by the bugle call! Ha Ha!
S is the Summit! One of my favorite activities at camp!
T is for Taco Tuesdays! One of my favorite meals at camp!
U is for U Know this is going to be the BEST SUMMER EVER!
V is for Visiting Day! A time to show your parents all the great stuff you are doing at camp!
W is for Wednesday Special Days at camp like Carnival Day and Revolutionary War Day!
X is for 10! As in ten year jackets! Congratulations to all that will be receiving them in 2012!
Y is for Yoga! A new activity coming to camp!
Z is for Zoogle! Can’t wait to play again. I’ve been practicing!
Okay. That’s all of the alphabetical fun for now! I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to send us your Alphabetical Camp Lists!
I got some really great e-mails over the past few weeks that I wanted to share with everyone. The first was from former camper and CIT Jamie Schneck. For her high school photography class, Jamie had to prepare a photo montage, which must have had her thinking of camp as she incorporated alma mater lyrics from Summer 2011 in it. Here it is…

2011 CIT Jamie Schneck's Photo Montage she used for a school project that includes Color War alma mater lyrics. Very cool!
Summer 2011 Counselor Michelle Goldberg was just recently published in the online newspaper, The Huffington Post. The title of the article is “Why is This Generation Different From All Other Generations?” To read it, click here . Congratulations Michelle on a wonderful article! I am sure this will be the first of many!
Some great home visits to report as well in this blog…
I met up with the Keim Family in my hometown of Montclair, NJ for dinner. This summer, both Harrison and Ben Keim, of Livingston, NJ. Harrison will be back for his second summer as part of our Upper Inter Boys division while Ben joins us for Summer #1 in our Junior Boys division. Both boys have been busy all year long. To start, Harrison, now in 5th grade, plays forward and midfield on his travel soccer team, the Livingston Landslide. Now, he is also in baseball season, playing pitcher and short stop on his team, the Mets. Just recently, he even had two home runs over the same weekend. He is also playing the trumpet in his town-wide band. For Ben, currently in 2nd grade, he plays forward and striker on a travel soccer team, the Livingston Leopards. He is also playing baseball on his team the Brewers, where he plays short stop, pitcher and first base. He is a fan of the Mets, Knicks, Rangers and Giants. Both boys in the winter ski black diamond slopes. This summer, Harrison is looking forward to Color War and Dorney Park, while also reminding all Eagles fans (especially Pete Tarnoff) that the Giants won the Super Bowl. Harrison also wanted to give a shout out to all of his buddies in Summer 2011’s Bunk 8. Ben is looking forward to Dorney Park, Canteen and meeting a whole bunch of new friends. Here is a picture…
In Plainview, NY, I met up with the Cohen Girls, Julia and Miranda. Julia, now in 7th grade, is back for her 4th summer as part of our Lower Senior Girls while Miranda, now in 5th grade, joins us for her first summer in our Upper Inter Girls division. Julia told me that she has been involved with her dance group, called “Attitudes In Motion,” where she has been practicing for a tap dance recital in the spring. She just recently finished up her first year being on a CYO League volleyball team. This year, she has also seen a lot of her bunkmates at a number of different bat mitzvahs. She wanted to give a shout out to the girls of Bunk 12 from Summer 2011. When I asked her what she is looking forward to this summer, she simply answered, “Everything!” This year, Miranda has been involved in taking an acrylic painting art class. I even saw some of her work. It was really, really great! Miranda also likes to ride her bike with friends and family and play tennis. She also played in a basketball league this winter. She told me that her favorite color is pink. When she gets to camp, Miranda is ready to try the Art Shack, Jewelry, Tie Dye, Ceramics and Photography. Here is a picture…
In Tenafly, NJ, I saw the Ginzburg Girls, Julia and Kasey. Now in 4th grade, Julia will be in the Lower Inter Girls division for her second summer while Kasey, currently in 1st grade, will be in our Junior Girls division. During our time together, I also got to meet the girls’ new hamsters, S’Mores and Marshmallow. Julia told me that she has really been into fashion designing this year and can’t wait to be back in the Fabric Arts room at camp. She wanted to say hello to all the girls from Summer 2011’s Bunk 3 and can’t wait to get to camp to set up her area once again as well as see all of the campers and counselors. In 2012, she is ready to do a whole bunch of activities, including cheerleading, rocketry, glass fusion, needle art and photography. Kasey can’t wait to also get to camp. She told me that she is really looking forward to glass fusion, the Summit, zumba, cheerleading, fabric arts and meeting all of her counselors. Here is a pic…
Before I finish my blog, I wanted to tell everyone about a great movie I saw recently. If you haven’t heard about it or seen it yet, you should. It’s called “Bully” and covers the serious topic of bullying at schools. It is a documentary that follows many different children that were and have been the victims of bullying. For more about it, check out the website, where you can even view the trailer, at www.thebullyproject.com .
Well, that’s all of the blogging for now. Counting down the days until Summer 2012!