Lauren LaMagna lives in Merrick, NY and is returning to Canadensis for her 7th summer! Lauren enjoys hanging out with her friends and working in the drama program at her high school. She also loves softball and long walks on the beach. Lauren loves so many activities at camp – the ropes course, free swim, and bunko rank among her favorites. Lauren’s dream job it to be an actress! Going to camp has taught Lauren that it’s okay to be yourself – no, not okay – it’s GREAT to be yourself! Her advice to a first time camper is “Buckle up! You’re about to have the best 7 weeks of your life! And ask your parents for a LOT of junk food on Visiting Day!” Lauren won’t leave for camp without her iPod, can’t wait to do the CIT cheer at our first lunch, and won’t leave Orlando without meeting Ariel at Disney World – she’s Lauren’s favorite Princess!