Hello Canadensis…
I hope everyone is getting ready for the festivities this weekend and will be dressing up as well. I would love to see all of your Halloween costumes this year. If you send them to my e-mail at brian@canadensis.com or at info@canadensis.com, I will be sure to post them on this blog for everyone to see! From what I know so far, some of you have some creative ideas for costumes. I remember a few years ago, Danielle Faden and Becky J dressed up as Color War for Halloween. Very cool.
I also sent out an e-mail today to all 2010 Campers and Parents that we will definitely be doing Halloween at camp next summer, so save all of your costumes and make sure you pack them in your trunks. I know many of you also attend Halloween parties at your school or local community center, so if there are any games / activities that you do there and think would be good for our Halloween Day at camp, let us know. We’d love to get some good ideas!
As for me, I will be going up to Albany, NY for a concert. I know, surprise. Ha Ha! It is actually a pretty cool concept for a concert, too. The band that is playing is called moe. If you’ve never heard of them, you can check them out at www.moe.org. Anyway, they are an improvisational band and for this Halloween, they decided that they would let their fans choose their set list of songs. For a month, fans could vote on a website from a list of around 100 songs (originals and covers) of what they would like to hear. The songs were tallied and now I will find out tomorrow what they will play. I thought this was a really great idea.
Of course, Sunday will bring one of my favorite football match-ups of the year with the Giants playing my most despised rival the Philadelphia Eagles. In fact, many of you from the Philly area remember me on the Comcast Pre-Game last year speaking of my dislike for the Eagles. That was funny! For this game, since it is in Philly, one of the guys we tailgate with is having a party at the restaurant he owns called Griffins in Cresskill, NJ. If you know of it and will be around, be sure to stop on by. I think it is $15 per person. Should be a good time! Especially if we destroy those Eagles!
I spoke to counselor Jamie Jacobson today. She is doing well at Syracuse University, now in her sophomore year. She says that she see’s fellow Canadensis Counselor Rachel Dender on campus a lot since both are in the School of Education there. Jamie J says hello to everyone at Canadensis!

Jamie J with Brianna.
I also spoke with counselor Tony Davis yesterday. He’s doing well at Central Michigan University, where he is finishing up his English degree on his way to eventually teaching High School English. Turns out, Tony D is living with fellow Canadensis counselor Chris Poag. He said the two of them having been doing really well in Mt. Pleasant, MI, where he also says he runs into counselors Andi Riemersma, Brandon Clothier and Sarah Smalley. Tony is very excited that he will be back for his second summer at camp in 2010.

Tony at Color War Bucket Brigade grabbing a pitcher from Ian. Don't spill it!
As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, the new feature here will be showing some of my favorite pictures from Summer 2009. Continuing in chronological order, here are some more from Week 1…

Some of the Boys from Bunk 11

CIT Meg with Sydney and Rachel.

Boo Needs a Hug!

Things really do get crazy on Crazy Night! Right, Girls Bunk 9?!
Well, I hope everyone has a fantastic Halloween Weekend. My weekend starts out really nice as I am having dinner with my family, including my brother Michael who I very rarely get to see because he works for a touring theater company. Currently, he is working on the national tour of South Pacific which is off for one week before he goes back on the road in South Carolina.
And that also ends our blogging in the month of Rocktober. As you can see, my subject for today is Halloween related. The Monster Mash was a hit song written by Boris Pickett. It’s a cooky song that I’ve always enjoyed, especially for Halloween. So, for my last trivia question of Rocktober (first one to respond wins color war bands), in what year did The Monster Mash reach #1 on the Billboard chart?
Will blog more next week. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Saturday night. We get an extra hour of sleep!
Until then…Have a great day…Brian