Hello Canadensis!
Well, our trip up to camp yesterday was very successful. Me, Eric, Terri and Neil met with a few contractors to discuss some different projects we will be putting into motion for future summers. It was very exciting and we will unleash our plans as soon as everything is finalized. However, one area that is already underway is our main office. It is getting a face lift with a new roof and new front. Here are some pics of what it looks like so far…

The office has a new roof and entrances.

You can see the new posts on the front of the building.

The front will also have all new landscaping, too.

Jimmy and Billy hard at work.
I love how camp looks this time of year. The trees at the far end of Lake Lenape are all changing colors. It is just magnificent. Fall is a big time up in Canadensis. In fact, Halloween is a very big deal. In fact, Canadensis, for the day of Halloween, has it’s name changed to “Scarecroweville.” Seriously. Here are some pics of the trees across the lake…

Lenape's Trees Changing Color.

CIT Boys Bunk. Yea CITS!
It was also so windy yesterday at camp. Lake Lenape looked like an ocean with mini waves. It was really intense! Here is a pic of me and Eric. You can see my hair and Eric’s jacket whipping in the wind!

Eric and I in front of Boys Bunk 8 from 2009
With all of the wind, all of the pine needles have come off the trees. A lot of the roads at camp are completely covered in them. Here is a pic of my house. You can see all of pine needles everywhere.

Brian's House with pine needles everywhere!
After leaving camp, I had to stop off at Callie’s Candy Kitchen for some treats! In fact, a few years ago, Aunt Terri introduced me to one of her favorite items there…pretzel balls. They are awesome! They are exactly what they sound like. Little balls of pretzel. They are so crunchy and delicious. Anyway, a few years ago, I bought some bags to bring home with me. One day, I had a few friends over and I put out a bowl of pretzel balls for everyone to snack on. And, what do you know? My friends are like, “Where did you get these?” So, I tell them. Now, everytime I go up to camp, I have to buy everyone pretzel balls. Let’s just say I left Callie’s with two large shopping bags of pretzel balls. But, they are so good!
Camp Mom Steph also sent me some great photos the other day. Every few weeks or so, Steph, her husband Stu and their friends have a gourmet club evening in which one couple hosts others for a night of themed dining. Well, this time it was Steph’s turn. What was her theme? COLOR WAR! Awesome! Well, her teams were the Hippies vs. the Preppies (sound familiar). Events included a cake decorating competition and even a rope burn in the backyard! In the end, the Hippies were victorious. Here are the pics…

Steph with the Color War Book. Steph and daughter Sami V made the team shirts, too!

Stu Vorcheimer helps the Preppies win the Rope Burn!

A Rope Burn in the Backyard!

Cake decorating entries.
Awesome job, Steph! Way to keep the camp spirit alive even while you are at home!
So, a lot of good pictures in today’s blog. Hence, the subject of today’s blog. Anyone know who sings it? First one to comment gets Color War bands! By the way, congratulations to Ellen Kilman (mother of Girls Bunk 5’s Emily Kilman) who answered my last question correctly. “My Morning Song” is a song of The Black Crowes. Ellen and Emily, the bands are on the way.
Well, that’s all for today. More tomorrow.
Until then…have a great day…Brian