Guest Blogging: Matt Unger

What have I been up to?  Since leaving camp on September 22nd I’ve been pretty busy.  I’ve seen a lot of friends that I haven’t seen since before camp, saw a few baseball games, saw my family, and RELAXED.  For those of you who don’t already know I am up very early everyday during the summer to either accept a food delivery, check on breakfast in the kitchen, or for one of million other things that I do.  During my vacation I went to a Mets game with my father and ran into a few Canadensis counselors.  I saw Alex Steele, Kaelah Gasperotti, and Lauren Berry.  Although I had just seen them a few days earlier it was nice to catch up.  I was really excited to hear they were having a great time traveling all over New York City with Shawn Bolton and Alex Dean.  Over my two week vacation I also happened to go to two Yankees games and a Blink 182 concert at Madison Square Garden.  I was expecting to see at least someone from camp there, but I didn’t.

The next week I spent a lot of time with my family and Kelly and moved into my new apartment in Lansdale PA.  My commute from my apartment to our winter office takes about 25 minutes.  I break up the drive by stopping at Wawa for a coffee.  The first two days I got a 20 oz coffee but have since decided a 16 oz is more then enough.

I started working again in the winter office last Monday and have been very busy ever since.  Actually, two minutes ago I was just on the phone with Werner, (one of the bus companies we use to bring everyone to camp) and booked the buses for June 26, 2010.  June 26 is also known as opening day.  I can’t believe that in just 8 months everyone will be back in their second home.  It seems like it was just yesterday that everyone was getting off the buses.

I can’t wait until its summer 2010.  One thing about working year round for camp is I get to breath camp every single day.  Shout out to Sam Ginsberg, J-Cal, and the entire support staff!  I’ve decided I like blogging.  I have no much to say but I don’t want to write about everything right now.  I’ll have to do this again one day.

And on a side note, although I now live in Philadelphia I am still from New York; let’s go Yankees!

Below is a picture of Sam and me with the entire support staff.  This photo was taken the last night of camp during the candle lighting ceremony.  I’m SO glad that a few support staff have already decided to return!

Me and our incredible Support Staff for Summer 2009!

Me and our incredible Support Staff for Summer 2009!