Jaycal at an Artist Colony in Israel

Hey Canadensis,

Had another long day here in Israel. We woke up early this morning had a quick breakfast and then headed out to see some great sites on our hike. We are currently up north in the mountains so the views are incredible.

After our hike we headed over to Tzfat where we hiked a little more and then had lunch. I had pizza which was really good! For those of you that know me pretty well, know that I’m a very picky eater and surprisingly the food has been very good! Then we walked around town for a little while before heading to a few different Shuls in the area. We also went to a candle factory and the highlight of the afternoon was the artist colony. It was filled with all different types of art. There was jewelry, art work, statues…you name it they had it! I did some shopping and picked up a few gifts for some people. We then boarded the bus and headed back to our Hostel.

We got back and changed for dinner and then we headed up to a ceremony for Yom Ha Zikarom. Yom Ha Zikarom is the Israeli Memorial Day. The ceremony was very somber and moving.

Tomorrow we will attend another ceremony at a local high school and then have time to interact with the kids. I’m really looking forward to talking to kids my age and seeing what school is like for them.

Till next time!

PS: If anyone has any questions for me please email me at editor@canadensis.com