Hello Canadensis!
It’s been a while since my last blog, but all I can say is that things have been so busy putting together the BEST SUMMER EVER that the blog had to be put on hold for a bit. But, I’m back with a May MegaBlog for you all to enjoy.
This past weekend, the summer unofficially kicked off with our 4th Annual CIT Weekend up at camp. First off, the weather was so amazing that you would have actually thought it was summer. The weekend was a combination of different activities but also included several meetings putting our CIT Leadership Program in place. Hats off to Pam Levi and Cara Corradetti for planning such a wonderful get-together. Highlights of the weekend included the CITS spelling out “CANADENSIS CITS” along Lake Lenape using their bodies, designing the 2010 Seniors T-Shirt, a campfire with S’Mores and a lot of wonderful reminiscing of summers past as well as great discussions about the upcoming summer. Here are some pictures from the get-together. More pics will be available in the Media Room of our website very soon.

2010 CITS!

All in the Mule! Who's Driving?

Hangin' on the Shores of Lake Lenape.

Ready to be your CITs!

Ethan, Jeremy and Jake at the campfire.

Cracking Up!

Ready to be camp leaders in 2010.
Seeing our oldest campers in action made all of the staff particularly proud. For those new to Canadensis, our CITs spend 2 or more periods each day with a lower camp bunk and get involved first hand in creating an amazing camp experience for our younger campers. Our CITs are a true asset in providing guidance for these campers. After all, they have been at camp the longest and know exactly what camp is all about.
Speaking of our youngest campers, I really didn’t have a chance in my last blog to mention how wonderful our New Camper Bowling Event on Sunday, April 18 was. So, I guess I just did. It was wonderful! Our new Juniors and Lower Inters had a great time bowling, eating pizza and getting to know one another with a game called “Camper Bingo.” In addition to the winter staff of me, Aunt Terri, Eric, Pam and Cara, we were fortunate enough to have Girls Head Counselor Robin Hasson, Assistant Girls Head Counselor Karen Sharir, Boys Head Counselor Will Armon and counselors Pete Tarnoff and Jason Calabretta in attendance. From this event, we have already heard that many campers have arranged future get-togethers before camp. Awesome! Pictures from this event can be found in the Media Room at www.canadensis.com .
Of course, Eric and I have been able to have some get-togethers of our own with some of our campers over the past few weeks as well. We first saw Brad Skolnick from Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Brad is in the fourth grade and will be a Lower Inter at camp this year. He is also a second generation camper as his mother Heidi went to camp. Brad is very busy all year round with soccer as he plays on both an indoor and outdoor team and can be found playing both goalie and forward. He also plays on a basketball team in the winter and a baseball team in the spring. At camp, he can’t wait for GaGa, Soccer, Basketball, Canteen and the Summit on the lake. Here is a picture…

Me and Eric with Lower Inter Brad Skolnick, a second generation Canadensis Camper.
In Rye Brook, NY, I met up with Lower Senior Drew Schinik, back for his fourth summer, who will be joined by his brother and Junior Zach Schinik at camp this summer. Both are busy with their respective sports season. Zach told me that he has been playing baseball, football, basketball and soccer while Drew has been involved with both baseball (two teams) and football. For the upcoming summer, Zach can’t wait for all of the sports, Color War, Hondas and Waterskiing and Drew is really excited about the trip to Lake Placid this year. Here is a photo…

Me with Drew Schinik (left) and Zach Schinik (right).
In Scarsdale, NY, I met up with Madeline and Griffin Frankel, who were both excited to tell me how pumped up they are for another amazing summer. Madeline is back for her 4th summer at camp and will be in our Freshman Girls division while Griffin joins us for his 3rd summer as part of the Lower Inter Boys. They had just returned from a great family trip from the Bahamas. Madeline told me that she has a dance recital coming up in June for her Hip Hop Dance class. Griffin let me know that he and bunkmates Oliver Shaw and Alex Frieder went into New York City to take a trapeze class. He also told me that he recently had a sleepover with another bunkmate, Oliver Harris. While there, I also got to meet their new dog Cooper. Here is a pic…

Me with Griffin and Madeline Frankel and their dog Cooper.
Then, it was onto South Orange, NJ to meet 5th grader and Upper Inter Girl Leah Otner. Leah has been involved recently with a theater class called the Performers Theater Workshop in which she learns about acting, singing and dancing. The class has been working hard towards a performance in June. She also plays tennis and volleyball. Over the winter, she enjoys going to Vermont for ski season at Smuggler’s Notch and Mt. Snow. This summer, she is really looking forward to waterskiing, the camp shows (either being onstage or backstage), special event Wednesdays, Color War and meeting a whole new bunch of friends. Here’s a picture…

Me with Upper Inter Girl Leah Otner.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, things have been so busy in putting together all of our preparations for the upcoming summer. Last week, me, Eric, Pam and Roy met up in Central New Jersey for an entire day to review our master schedule of activities. Planning a summer for over 400+ campers and 150+ counselors has its challenges, but we were able to work through all of the tweaks in making sure that each division has a well rounded activity schedule each and every week. We also added several new Electives to the mix, including a Canadensis Today Show Elective, World Games and Outdoor Living Skills. Elective choices will be e-mailed out in a few more weeks!
In addition to the return of the Canadensis Today Show, I hope all of you have been keeping up with Cara’s blog and the announcement of the all new Canadensis Tonight Show which will also be available to parents, grandparents, alumni and friends online this summer. This show will be quite different from the Today show and plans are in the works to get as many campers and staff involved in its taping and production. For now, I know everyone is having fun submitting their Canadensis Tonight Promo Pictures. Me, too! Here is mine…

Check out Canadensis Tonight this summer!
In looking at the summer schedule, there are also so many great things returning to camp this year. Activities like Rak Don are on the calendar along with Brad Henderson magic clinics and shows, Wild-N-Wacky Challenge, Pike County Inter-Camps, Super Leagues, Revolutionary War Day and Carnival Day! Also, don’t forget…we are bringing Halloween to Camp Canadensis this summer, too! Bring a costume! Also, coming soon will be a vote for our campers and staff to pick the Drive In Movies for the summer so be on the lookout for that.
Over the past few weeks, I have been speaking with many of our counselors and staff. Needless to say, they can’t wait for summer to arrive and be back in the Pocono Mountains. To get in the spirit, Upper Inter Boys Group Leader Mike Lindquist told me that he was coaching a Little League baseball team in Eugene, OR. Because Mike lives and breathes camp, guess what he called his team? Named after a Color War team, his boys are known as the Blizzard. Here’s a photo…

Mike Lindquist (upper right) and his Blizzard Baseball Team.
For all Canadensis Alumni, we are getting further to celebrating camp’s 70th Birthday and hope to see as many of you at the Reunion on Saturday, June 19! Aunt Terri has been hard at work creating a very special Carnival themed day for families and friends. If you haven’t done so already, please RSVP by calling our winter office at 484.674.1941. All those that RSVP will get gift sent to them.
Of course, we also hope to see many of our families at the Open House at Camp on June 6. Over the past few summers, this event has been a great way for campers to get familiar with camp and the staff as well as participate in a number of activities.
So, as you can see…a lot going on. How many days until camp? The clock is ticking down. Tick…Tick…Tick.
See you all very, very soon…Brian