Hello Canadensis!
Yes. Yes. I know. I have been neglecting my blogging duties. That is why I am bringing you…SUPER BLOG THURSDAY! I don’t know what that really means, but it sounds good. Right?
The week has flown by so quickly that there is so much to talk about! First, I need to tell you about last Friday. It was great! I was “secretly” invited to 2010 Lower Inter Oliver Shaw’s Birthday Party Sleepover for his bunk. I say “secretly” because only Oliver and his parents knew about it. When I got there, the bunk was in the basement. Oliver’s parents, Alexis and Jonathan, set it up that I would go downstairs to surprise the bunk with Oliver’s birthday cake. When I made my way down the stairs, cake with lit candles in hand, I started to sing “Happy Birthday.” Most of the boys looked for a second at who was singing. When they saw it was me, they were shocked. It was a great surprise! At the party was Oliver Shaw, Oliver Harris, Adam Aronson, Jonathan Altman, Alex Frieder and Daniel Goldstein. According to mom, the boys stayed up late to celebrate by watching movies as well as a sneak peak of the Video Yearbook (my birthday gift to Oliver and the boys). Here is a picture…

Me at Oliver Shaw's Birthday Sleepover with several of the Boys from Bunk 4 of last summer. What is Oliver Harris doing with that doll?
On Saturday, it was more camp festivities as I made my way down to Pennsylvania to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of 2010 Lower Senior Melanie Sukonik. In the morning, Melanie did such an amazing job leading the service at temple and made parents Neil and Sue and sister CJ extremely proud. In the evening, it was time to party and it was amazing to see how many Camp Canadensis campers were able to attend the service and affair. Almost everyone from Mel’s entire bunk was there and a number of campers from other bunks, too. Also in attendance were Aunt Terri, Uncle Don, Eric Forti, Robin Hasson and Yale Saltzman. In fact, all of the Canadensis people were called up to light a candle on Mel’s cake. What a surprise! After that, we danced the night away! Halfway through the night, Mel’s montage showed off a number of pictures from camp, all which got the biggest applause. Even later, Mel’s camp friends made a great presentation to her. It was certainly a night to remember! Pictures of the event can be seen on Eric’s blog.
That night, I stayed in a hotel in the Penn Valley area. On Sunday, I made my way down to one of my favorite areas of Philly…South Street. It was such a nice day to do some window shopping. Of course, I had to indulge in a Philly Cheesesteak wit (as they say in Philly) onions and whiz. Delicious! Some cool shops on South Street, including a great store called Beyond the Wall, which had some completely ridiculous books, posters and knick-knacks.
So many people have been in touch with us this week at work. I feel like I have spoken to so many people, including Roy Faden, Will Armon, Brian Stern, the “one and only” Levi Smathers (I told him I would write his name that way) and Groundhog to name a few. Everyone is doing really well and can’t wait for camp next summer. In fact, Levi made a joke to me of how we all say that we live 10 months for the 2 that we have at camp. Because Levi worked both pre and post camp last summer, he says that he lives 7 months for the 5 months he stays up at camp. Don’t we all wish we could be at camp for 5 months!?!?
Last night, I made my way down to Voorhees, NJ. First, I stopped by the Batt Family. Mom Jennifer is a Canadensis Alumni who is thinking about sending her son Jacob to camp. I showed them a video of camp and talked all about what they could expect from the “Best Summer Ever!” Jennifer remembers how beautiful camp was and how much she enjoyed her days as a camper.
A few minutes away, I made my way to the Bresaliers to see 2010 Upper Inter Rachel who will also be joined next summer at camp by her sister Jenna, who will be in the Junior Girls Division. Rachel told me that she has been keeping in touch with all of her camp friends and has even had several get-togethers and sleepovers. Rachel has been busy with her dance classes (jazz and ballet) and is set to start basketball season in a few weeks. Sister Jenna is also involved with jazz and ballet dance while also playing travel soccer. Jenna told me that she watched all of the Canadensis Today shows last summer while at home and is now excited that she is going to be part of all the fun! Here is a pic…

Me with Jenna (left) and Rachel Bresalier.
I’m hoping to see more and more campers as we get into the winter months. I hope to be able to meet all of our new campers by March. At the same time, we have gotten several questions about when our new camper get-togethers are going to be. We will announce those dates soon, but more than likely, they will be either the weekend of April 10-11 or 17-18, so you can pencil in those dates. We will have a better idea by next week.
I promise I will be back tomorrow for a Super Friday Blog!
Until then…Have a Great Day…Brian