Guest Blogger: Annie “The Dog”

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It’s been a while since I returned home to Philadelphia, but I wanted to use this blog post to throw back to some of my favorite memories of summer 2013…the best summer ever at Camp Canadensis!  Just like the Canadensis campers and staff, camp is my happy place, and here’s why…

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I get to spend a ton of time outside…usually I’m right next to Pam like in the photo above.  Sometimes I get distracted by chipmunks, or the delicious smells coming from the BBQ grill on the weekends, but I always find my way back.


I get a ton of hugs and belly rubs from campers – they are SO nice to me!  Jordan (above) from the Lower Inter Girls even made me a rainbow loom collar on the first day of camp, and it stayed on all summer!  She made it in blue and gold so I could show off my camp spirit all summer…thank you Jordan!


I had a new partner in crime this summer…it was so fun to hang out with Carli during Morning Line Up!  We are around the same size right now, but I have a feeling she’s going to keep growing every year, and I’m done!


People tell me I look like a puppy all the time, but I actually turned 13 at camp this summer!  The Canadensis Dog Club helped plan an amazing Bark Mitzvah for me at Morning Line Up…we danced the hora, had a delicious cake made by Jojo in cooking and I got to say thank you to the many people at Canadensis that make me feel loved.

Annie Soccer Ball

At another Morning Line Up, I was called up for “Unnatural Siblings”.  It’s one of my favorite camp games – kids get called up with people who look like them, even though they aren’t related.  I was called up with a soccer ball, and we won by round of applause!


I bet that one of the kids cheering for me was this girl above.  Believe it or not, there were TWO Annie Levi’s in camp this summer…I share my name with Annabelle Levi from the Junior Girls!


There were also TWO hotdogs on our “Canadensis Come On Down” dress up night!  We both looked tasty in our hotdog costumes!IMG_0047

We looked almost as tasty as those real hotdogs and hamburgers the Junior boys are holding on their overnight!  I love getting out in the woods and visiting the kids at the campsites.


I got to visit more than half of the overnights this summer, and my goal is to get one every single on next year!DSC_0213

Sometimes, Pam has to do something that I can’t do with her…and when that happens I have a few windows I like to hang out in, that way I don’t miss a single moment of the camp action!


But, it’s MUCH better when I get to hang out with different people in camp while Pam is busy.  In the photo above, I had the coolest babysitters ever…the CIT girls let me spend the whole day with them!DSC_0244

Another day, Cade from the lake looked after me while Pam was on the Summit with campers!


No matter who I’m with, or what I’m doing…I’m happy if I’m at Camp Canadensis!  Thank you to everyone who made summer 2013 my best summer yet…thank you for the walks, hugs, manicures (see my blue nails above, thanks to Girls Bunk 7!), belly rubs, treats and love you all shared with me.  See you in summer 2014!