We’ve Moved!

Our winter office has moved…we are officially up at camp now, and it’s thanks to this guy that you see above!!  Mike is about to spend his third summer at Camp Canadensis, and he will be the Upper Senior Group Leader this summer.  I met him on the Bowling Green State University Campus in Ohio many years ago, and we are so fortunate to have him on our team!

He’s up at camp right now working with the rest of our fabulous precamp staff, and he must have drawn the short straw because he was the one who helped us move our office from the Philly area up to the Poconos.  He was fabulous, and he packed the camp minivan full of boxes…it was like playing Tetris, he fit so much stuff in!

Thanks Mike!

You can now contact us at camp – 570-595-7461 and send mail up to this address.  It feels so good to be home!