Home Visits: Livingston, NJ

Some recent home visits got me on the road, and I met two great new campers from Livingston, NJ.  Ashley is a current 4th grader, who will be a Lower Inter at camp this summer.  The first thing you need to know about this girl is that she is well rounded and willing to try all the activities at camp!  She couldn’t decide which activity would be her favorite, but she really likes soccer and arts and crafts.  Her day camp had a lake with some inflatable toys, so she will easily be able to jump into the activities at our bigger lake!  If she had to pick what she is most looking forward to now, it would probably be cooking…that was her favorite activity to choose at her day camp, and she’s excited for the recipes we are going to whip up this summer!

Ashley also likes to be on stage, and she’s been in the shows Grease, Camp Rock and Annie. She will also be doing lacrosse for the second time this year, and I’m so impressed because I didn’t start playing that sport until I was in my late 20’s at camp!  She gave me a tour of her room, and it was clear that her favorite colors are pink and purple.  She helped decorate her room, and she picked out the cute bed spread!  She’s going to have to start searching for her camp bedding soon!  She had a lot of art projects that she had made in her room, including a lot of ceramics.  She is a really “neat” girl, and I even “inspected” her closet for cleanliness, and she got a very high score because things were all in their place!

Ashley is a great big sister to Amanda & Sloane – and I’m so excited to welcome her to Camp Canadensis!

Rachel is a current 6th grader, who will be a Freshman Girl at camp this summer.  In addition to attending day camp for a few years, she also has some overnight camp experience – but she’s excited for her first summer at Canadensis, and can’t wait for some BIG fun!  Rachel is comfortable being up on stage – she’s even played the part of Wendy in Peter Pan. She is considering auditioning for the camp shows, but she knows it is a big commitment, and it means she will be pulled out from some bunk activities, so she is still weighing her options.

She’s lucky to be starting camp as a Freshman – she’s going to be able to take advantage of all of the perks…

  • She’ll get to go on the overnight trip to Hershey Park  – FYI to all the other Freshman girls…Rachel has been to the park many times with her family, so stick with her if you want to hit all the attractions!
  • She get’s 2 elective choice periods everyday – younger campers start with one a day.
  • She’s in the oldest division of Lower Camp.
  • And…she’ll also get to do extra evening trips out of camp.

Rachel does a lot of activities – she especially loves to play basketball and tennis.  She’s also really into arts & crafts, and she’s excited to try out our 6 different studios this summer (glass fusion/A&C/ceramics/photography/fabric arts/woodworking).  But, without a doubt, Rachel is coming to Canadensis so she can spend time on our amazing lake!  She can’t wait to go tubing, banana boating and water skiing!  Rachel wasn’t sure if she’d want to go on the COALS (Canadensis Outdoor Adventure Living Skills) Overnight, but I hope I convinced her that it is one of the most amazing experiences to look forward to at camp!  She has a big sister and a little brother, and she will definitely be an awesome addition to the Canadensis family!