Indian Summer and Office Renovations

Before I start with today’s blog, I need to show you a picture that was tagged of me on facebook!


Now that you have stopped laughing at me, I can tell you that it’s a picture of yours truly with Super Senior ’09 Ethan Dayno. Ethan’s dad used to be a doctor up at camp and each summer I would have the “pleasure” of having Ethan join my bunk for the week that his dad was doctor, starting when he was just 3 years old! My favorite memory of Ethan…oh, I won’t embarrass him like that! Ah, the memories Ethan and the entire Dayno family!

Now, back to regular blogging! Labor Day Weekend was a blast up at camp! We held our first annual Indian Summer Weekend and over 40 alumni and friends enjoyed picture perfect weather. Check out the Today Show in the media room for more info on this great weekend- hopefully you will plan on joining us in September 2010!

Robin Hasson's nephew Jake "lifeguarding" for us at the girls pool

Robin Hasson's nephew Jake "lifeguarding" for us at the girls pool

While Jake was lifeguarding, our postcamp staff was enjoying the weather!

While Jake was lifeguarding, our postcamp staff was enjoying the weather!

In other news, the main office renovation is in full swing. The roof is in the process of being ripped off by our very own Alex Dean and Jimmy, our maintenance contractor. After the roof project, tons and tons of dirt will be dropped off to improve the grove drainage. Take a look at some of the photos below.

Main Office renovations

Main Office renovations

Alex Dean hard at work on the roof

Alex Dean hard at work on the roof

Skylight (not done purposely) in my office closet!

Skylight (not done purposely) in my office closet!