Hello Canadensis!
Do any of you wake up to a clock radio anymore? Well, I still do. For those of you that still wake up to some sort of music (maybe a song on your cell phone), do you sometimes have that song in your head all day long. Today is one of those days for me…call it My Morning Song. Trivia Question: What band has a song titled “My Morning Song”? The first to answer wins Color War bands! Anyway, my morning song today was Katy Perry’s “Hot ‘N Cold.” Now, I am okay with the song, but it has been in my head all day long. Over and over, I keep singing to myself, “You’re hot then you’re cold. You’re yes then you’re no.” Over and over! It’s killing me!
Hope all is well on this beautiful Tuesday. Sorry about not being able to blog yesterday, but the day got away from me. A busy morning and early afternoon came and went. I had to leave at around 2:30 to volunteer at a wonderful event that raised a ton of money.
The cause was for the Ryan Wolfe Kossar Foundation and the event was their Fifth Annual Million Dollar Golf Classic. Ryan Kossar died five years ago of SIDS and now his family and friends raise money for research of this terrible affliction. This golf outing is one of their biggest events and also includes a silent auction and auction. The million dollar part comes into play in the morning. Golfers pay for the chance to take one shot for a $1 million. Apparently, one golfer missed the million by 18 inches! Anyway, the event probably raised a little over $150,000, all which goes to SIDS research.

For more information about the Ryan Wolfe Kossar Foundation, go to http://www.ryanwolfekossar.org/
I had an awesome weekend. The Bruce Springsteen show I went to was absolutely amazing! I must say, for a guy in his 60’s, Bruce is still one of the best live acts today. If you haven’t seen him yet, go! He still plays for 3+ hours, gets the crowd singing and dancing. It was terrific, even in our horrible seats in Section 315, Row 27. My friends and I had a blast! I can’t wait until I go again on…Friday! Ha Ha!

Bruce rocks Giants Stadium on Saturday Night!
And, the Big Blue kept on rolling with another win. Now 4-0, the Giants will play the Raiders at home on Sunday. The Raiders are the favorite team of Swimming Head Eric Rosenauer, who I got an e-mail from today. The Giants have played three games on the road in a row, so it will finally be good to have a tailgate again. Menu planning for our group always starts on Wednesday. I don’t know what we are going to make this week. Maybe chicken quesadillas? I definitely think there will be French toast and bacon on the menu. Mmmmm…
In my e-mail from Eric, by the way, he let me know that he was nominated for Teacher of the Year down in his school in Florida. Way to go, Eric! Eric said that he loved his first summer at Canadensis and can’t wait to get back for his second. He has some really wonderful plans for the pools next year which we will let you in on as they become finalized. I think our older campers in particular will be very excited.
Well, now to make everyone jealous. I get to go to camp tomorrow! That’s right. I will be in the 18325 all day! Eric, Terri and Neil are joining me up there as well as we begin to talk about projects for next summer. Should be a great trip. I will post pics of what camp looks like as I hope the leaves up at camp are turning all sorts of amazing colors! Well, that’s all for today. I will be back tomorrow after I get back from camp.
Until then…Have a great day…Brian